Apple Bobbing
Place 8 - 10 apples in a basin of water
Have some clean face towels ready
Have children pick the apples up with only their mouths
Blindfold teachers to pick the apples
And the kids will love watching it
Pumpkin race
Roll a pumpkin under tables and chairs
Roll a pumpkin through a maze (drawn on the ground)
Roll a pumpkin down the slope of a hill
Pass a pumpkin from one to another and when the music stops, blow the candle off
Pass a pumpkin from one to another under the legs
Pass a pumpkin from one to another over the head
Carving Pumpkin
Teachers / youth helpers can challenge carving a pumpkin's eyes / mouth…etc
Halloween Fun with Colors
I spy game - "I spy with my little eyes something orange"
"I spy………something round and orange" (other shapes)
"I spy……….something big and orange" (other sizes)
"I spy……….someone's wearing orange"
Repeat with black color
Halloween Fun with Math
Use Orange and Black beads (being colors of Halloween)
Guess how many orange and black beads in the jar
Have fun with additions - 2 orange beads and 3 black beads altogether makes 5
Have fun with subtractions - Out of 5 beads, take away 2, 3 are left
Have fun with division - I have 10 beads, I'll share with 5 friends.
Have fun with multiplication - Everyone has 2 beads. Put them together.
Make shapes of circles, squares…. etc with the beads
Make straight and curved lines
Halloween Fun with Riddles
What do ghosts serve for dessert ? I - scream (ice cream)
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road ? They have no guts
Why do witches fly on bloom ? So they don't need electrical cords
What do you call a fat Jack-o-Lantern? A Plumpkin
What do birds sing on Halloween ? Twick or Tweet
Halloween Games with Maze
Draw the shape of Jack-o-lantern and create a simple maze
Draw the shape of a cat ……etc