JEAN PIAGET (1896 - 1980) a Swiss psychologist, won fame in early childhood education, for his studies of the thought processes of children. He and his associates published more than 30 volumes on this subject. Born in Neuchatel, Switzerland, he grew to be a brilliant scholar in science. He worked in psychological clinics and laboratories and whilst helping with the standardisation of intelligence test procedures, he made his first discoveries of children's thinking development.
Jean P. started to believe that children are not just little adults in the way they think, and that there might be stages in the development of the intellect. He spent 50 years studying children, and has had enormous influence on the way people now regard how children think. His research in child psychology is based on his belief that children pass through 4 periods of mental development.
4 Stages of Child Development
First 2 yrs of life
Ages 2 to 7
Primarily motor behavior
Verbal & Conceptual Abilities expand
Intellectual processes developed through physical interaction with the environment
Child capable of intuitive thought-illogical & egocentric
Objects exist only if they can be seen, touched or heard
Dominated by animism & moral realism
Age 7
Ages 11 to 15
Abilities to think in a logical way and to solve concrete problems
Understand highly abstract concepts such as justice, love and prejudice
Thought processes such as ordering, classification, seriation, and mathematics are possible
Thoughts no longer tied to actual objects and experience
Ability to think abstractly has not yet begun to appear
Can think about ideas and use logic
Jean P. theorized several principles for the construction of cognitive structures. During all stages of child development, the child is experiencing his or her environment, using whatever mental maps have been constructed to that point. If the experience is a repeated one, it fits easily or is assimilated into the structure, so that mental equilibrium is maintained. If the experience is different or new, equilibrium is lost, and a change in the structure occurs in order to accommodate the new aspects of the experience. Gradually, more and more adequate cognitive structures are built up.
1906 Published his first scientific articl (before the age of 10)
1918 Received his PhD in natural sciences at Neuchatel University
1919 Worked in psychological clinics and lab in Zurich and Paris
1920 Helped in the standardisation of intelligence test procedures at Alfred Binet's lab
1929-1967 Director of the International Bureau for Education
1933-1971 Director of the Institute for Educational Sciences at the University of Geneva
1938 - 1951 Professor of Psychology and Sociology at the University of Lausanne
1939-1952 Professor of Sociology at the University of Geneva
1940-1971 Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Geneva
1952-1963 Professor of Developmental Psychology at the Sorbonne