What is PLAY ? Why do preschool kids play more than study?
Why spend so much time playing ? Shouldn't they be studying ?
Let's look at different descriptions and views of play by various sources and people:World Book Dictionary defines play as : "something done to amuse oneself; fun; sport, recreation." Emory S Bogardus referred to it as : "Those activities which are not consciously performed for the sake of any reward beyond themselves" Friedrich Froebel(1782-1852): "graduated toys provides early exercise in geometric, artistic and mathematical skills." Maria Montessori (1870-1952): "didactic play materials expand pre-mathematical understanding and sensory training. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939): "there is therapy / healing through play. Jean Piaget (1896-1980): Play contributes to cognition Jacques Rosseau: Child's play is his work