Homeschooling Facts

Let's look at the dynamics of this alternative education

Here are some homeschooling facts for you to consider before launching your kids into this alternative education. Though the homeschooling curriculum and system have for years known to have produced excelling and fast paced students, there are also setbacks and casualties. Though you may hear more positive outcomes than negative ones, you want to ensure that your kids would not fall into the negative category.

Before you decide on starting or switching your kids into homeschooling, please do consider the following homeschooling facts and explore further on this subject.

How would you decide if Homeschool is good for you and your child?

Time is of the greatest essence. How much time do you have in preparation, planning, supervising, and depending on the program you choose, sometimes you need to be marking your child's work. The younger your child is, the more time is required of you.

Then consider the expense. Most public schools cost little to nothing. In homeschooling, you'll have to spend on curriculum, apparatus, field trips, extra space in the house.....etc

Don't miss these time-tested Homeschooling Facts : The end results ! Done right, most homeschoolers result in self achieving, self motivated, and self confident. Homeschooling is an investment of time and money and energy. It is an exhibition of the highest expression of love and sacrifice.

How do I make up the homeschooling schedule ?

Homeschoolers usually finish their work much faster than students in school, so you may be able to have a weekday off for field trips and projects. Set up a routine - usually in the morning for most of the academic subjects. In the afternoon, you may include house chores, outdoor activities, social, projects…. etc

Preferably, plan for the year, then the month and the weeks and days. If you get a full packaged curriculum, the dates and amount of work are all planned out for you.

Are you prepared for a messy house?

One of the homeschooling facts is that your house will never be the same because the school has come into your house, with its charts, apparatus and learning equipments, besides books and visual aids. It sometimes spread into the bedroom, dining room, and very often into the kitchen as well. Some homeschoolers designate a room just for "school hours"; but homeschool kids are usually not confined to a room or rigid schedule.

When do I start ?

Homeschool year does not have to follow the public school year, although there are some benefits to it. For example, you may want to plan some holiday time when other kids are on holiday.

There's always an advantage to start homeschooling at an early age rather than switching from a traditional school to homeschooling. Your child can begin homeschool as soon as s/he is born. Learning begins at birth. However, having said that, often making a switch midway in your child's education may save him from going downhill or it may help him to quicken his pace of learning.

What are the law enforcements and requirements for Homeschooling ?

Every country has its own Homeschool Law. Do check it and understand it fully before entering into homeschool. Some countries have Homeschool Associations providing insurance, student passes and other benefits.

How do I know what curriculum to choose ?

Consider more homeschooling facts. First of all, you must know the learning style of your child. His likes and dislikes - eg. does he need curriculum that are colourful, detailed, systematic….etc or can he cope with lots of facts and details.

Spend time researching different curriculum. Some curriculum are packaged well and very comprehensive and easy to use. These are usually quite expensive. However, sometimes you may find that your child may not need to use all that is in the curriculum. Most curriculum would have a pretest to check the level of your child's understanding. Also look at the review section and read what others have to say about the curriculum.

If you know your child's standard and have the confidence to choose your own material, this may be the best to save cost. It gives you the flexibility to try new programs, rather than to be stuck with one big curriculum. Personally, I took this route and I zero in on skill development, rather than piling on facts and figures that would be easily forgotten. How much have we remembered from the days we were in school. Skill development involves comprehension in reading, research, analyzing and problem solving, And don't forget the spiritual, moral and social skills. These are some of the homeschooling facts we should not ignore.

Look out for homeschool curriculum fairs, or check websites that provide second hand or used curriculum.

How do I keep record of my child's progress ?

It can be a simple daily journal or an elaborate computer program that can be purchased. Place folders of different subjects on the table or shelf and teach your child to put their respective work into them. Have a score sheet on the cover and ask your child to record their result score each time. For incentives, you may want to plot a graph of the scores they have achieved.

Will my child be deprived of social skill?

A child in school may not necessary learn social skill. Sometimes, there are peer pressures, struggles and strifes, more than pleasant friendship. A child may be exposed to bad influences and learn the negative moral lifestyle.

A child with good social skill is usually one who is confident and self-controlled. Homeschooling kids usually exhibit such strength as they learn much self-discipline at home instead of sitting in class and doing what he is told by the teachers.

Look for homeschool support groups. Most support groups would plan activities like drama, sports and science experiments. Such programs encourage homeschool kids to learn social skills, presentations, and teamwork. In most support groups, homeschooling facts are spelled out and discussed.

Tips on homeschooling

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Montessori Method

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