Preschool craft

Hours of fun with pasta, beads, or beans

A preschool craft that allows for creativity and fun is using pasta, beads or beans. This can bring hours of fun for your young children. Pasta and beans of all shapes and sizes are easily available at stores, and are safe and fun to handle. If you are using beads, do remember that it will cost more and remember the safety code for young children - do not to use items that are too small.


  • Sheets of craft papers (with or without picture outline)
  • Pencil (kids may be able to make their own designs)
  • Craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Paints (optional)
  • Table Mat


  • To have further practice with application of glue and pasting
  • To enhance creativity
  • To improve eye-hand coordination
  • To work on fine motor skills
  • To have fun


  • 3 yrs onwards


  1. Lay out the table mat
  2. Show a sample picture
  3. Explain that we are going to do a picture with pasta / beans / beads..etc
  4. Show the prepared drawing with outline of a picture / scene (optional)
  5. Show the child the material to be used.
  6. Learn the names of the materials used.
  7. You may talk about what adults do with pasta / beans / beads
  8. Review with the child how to use the craft glue applicator
  9. Invite the kids to paste
  10. For older kids who are well experienced with glue application, they may draw more complex pictures of their own.

If you are using pasta, they can easily be painted into many colors and they don’t take much time to dry.Kids can drop them in a bowl of paint or they can use the paintbrushes to gently dab the paints on. Also try sprinkling some glitters to let them sparkle.

If you are using beans, you may like to bake or dry it under sunlight a little to avoid moulding.

Here are some ideas you may like to introduce to your preschool crafts:

  • You can use the alphabet pasta to make names or event titles on greetings card, eg. “Happy Birthday” from “Ben”
  • You can use macaroni pasta, chain it up, apply a self-made pendant/charm , and wala, you get a beautiful necklace – ideal for mother’s day.
  • Pasta can be used to make 3-D objects – just piece them together with a glue gun and paint it accordingly.

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